@extends('layouts.navBar') Ticket #{{ $ticket->ticket_number }} @section('titleContent') Ticket # {{ $ticket->ticket_number }} @endsection @section('navBarContent')

{{-- Starting Section For the Mock Ticket in Bootstrap --}}

Ticket #{{ $ticket->ticket_number }}


Informacion del paciente:

Nombre Completo: {{ $ticket->file->user->name }}


Sexo: {{ $ticket->file->user->users_profile->sex }}

Informacion de Plan Medico Primario

Fecha emitida: {{ $ticket->created_at }}

Servicio solicitado:

{{ $ticket->service }}

Informacion de Contacto

Telefono: {{ $ticket->file->user->users_profile->phone }}

Email: {{ $ticket->file->user->email }}

Orden Medica

Identification con Foto

{{-- This whole Section Will be a form to update some informacion related to the current form --}}
{{ csrf_field() }}

Status: {{ $ticket->status}}

--}} {{--

Status: {{ $ticket->status}}


Asignar a:

{{ $ticket->assigned_user }}

Cambiar Status:


Anadir un comentario al paciente
